Explore Rural Life Education at UAPB Small Farm Program’s Upcoming Events

The UAPB Small Farm Program is inviting you to two upcoming educational and informational events as part of the 65th Annual Rural Life Conference. Both events are free to the public and include a pre-conference film screening of Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land documentary on March 14 and a Wills Clinic at the 65th Annual Rural Life Conference on March 15, where members of the public can consult with an attorney about their heirs’ property issues.

Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land Film Screening at and 65th Annual Rural Life Conference at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB)

The pre-conference film screening, Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Landwill begin on March 14 at 4:45 p.mat the UAPB S.J Parker 1890 Extension Complex-S. A. Haley Auditorium, 2300 L.A. “Prexy” Davis Drive Pine Bluff, AR 71601 with opening remarks by UAPB Chancellor, Dr. Laurence B. Alexander.
Gaining Ground is a documentary featuring Arkansas landowners, students from UAPB, local rice mill owner PJ Haney III (the only Black rice mill owner in Arkansas), and Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson. 

John Deere, in conjunction with Al Roker Entertainment, produced Gaining Ground. The film focuses on the land loss suffered by generations of Black landowners due to years of discrimination while showing how landowners are reclaiming control of their land and cultural legacy. All members of the public are invited to attend the screening. Refreshments will be provided.

The Wills Clinic will be held at the 65th Annual Rural Life Conference on March 15, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the UAPB Campus Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Complex 1204 L.A. “Prexy” Davis Drive Pine Bluff, AR 71601.

The UAPB Small Farm initiated the Wills Clinic in 2016 and has been hosting the event each year. This year, the UAPB Small Farm Program decided to include the event in UAPB’s 65th Annual Rural Life Conference. UAPB Small Farm Program, through Amy Pritchard, UAPB Small Farm KIITF legal consultant, secured nine organizations for the event, including Arkansas Access to Justice CommissionCenter for Arkansas Legal ServicesLegal Aid of Arkansas, the UALR Black Law Students Association, UALR Business Innovation Clinic, and Arkansas Appleseed so members of the public can consult with an attorney about their heirs’ property issues. Attorneys will also be available to prepare wills and beneficiary deeds for participants FREE OF CHARGE. 

The 65th Annual Rural Life Conference is free to producers, students, veterans, homemakers, and retirees. It will feature over 20 workshops, more than 50 exhibits, and vendor booths. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and there will be an opportunity to win door prizes. Virtual participation options are available for those unable to register and attend in person.

For more information on the 65th Annual Rural Life Conference and to preregister, contact Tamera Ford at (870) 575-8806 or fordta@uapb.edu. The registration form for the conference is also available online or email leek@uapb.edu to have the link to the form sent to you. This year’s conference theme is “Legacy Opportunities for Community Service and Outreach – Connecting, Collaboration, and Commitment.” The need to proactively preserve legacy is echoed by KKAC Executive Director Wilbur Peer, “Black landowners have managed to lose more than $325 billion in wealth. A big part of that is discriminatory practices, but it’s also because we don’t do proper estate planning.” To this end, the KKAC Heirs’ Property Clearinghouse assists historically underserved and minority populations, notably the African American community, in resolving heirs’ property issues and conducting proper estate planning. The KKAC Heirs’ Property Clearinghouse can be reached at hpc@kkac.org or (501) 500-3353.

The Public is Invited:https://www.pbcommercial.com/news/2024/mar/14/uapb-to-show-film-on-black-owned-land/

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