Uniting Nurses and UAPB Nursing Students During ARNA Nurses Day at the Capitol

UAPB’s Department of Nursing students and faculty attended Nurses Day at the Capitol as a step toward teaching students about advocacy for the profession. UAPB faculty in attendance included Debra Davis, MSN, FNP, Vinetta Lindsey, MSN, FNP, and Dr. Brenda Jacobs, DNP, UAPB Department of Nursing Chair. The Arkansas Nurses Association (ARNA) sponsored the 2024 Nurses Day at the Capitol to unite nurses and nursing students to advocate for nursing issues with elected officials.

UAPB Nursing Students at 2024 Nurses Day at the Capitol
UAPB Department of Nursing Students attend 2024 Nurses Day at the Arkansas Capitol.

The UAPB group of 33 students and three faculty members participated in a town hall with a panel of speakers, including legislators. Other schools in attendance included UCA, UAM, Ouachita, Southark, and UAM. Participants visited many vendors at the capitol rotunda and participated in a question and answer with a representative from Congressman Bruce Westerman’s office, where they asked questions about nurse staffing ratios, workplace violence, and faculty compensation. Dr. Jacobs said, “It was a great day of learning, networking, and advocacy for the profession.”

The Arkansas Nurses Association (ARNA) is the state nurses’ organization that speaks for professional nursing in the state. ARNA fosters high standards of nursing practice, promotes professional development, and advocates for the nursing profession. ARNA collaborates with other healthcare providers to facilitate access to quality healthcare for the people of Arkansas. https://arna.nursingnetwork.com/

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