UAPB Attends 2023 FINRA-HBCU Professorship Program

The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) School of Business and Management participated in the first 2023 FINRA-HBCU Professorship Program cohort held in May in Washington, D.C., as part of the 2023 FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) Annual Meeting. The program was attended by faculty from Medgar Evers College of New York, Tennessee State University, Chicago State University, North Carolina Central University, Alabama State University, Southern University, Florida A& M University, University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, Harris-Stowe University and Texas Southern University.

Pictured Front (L-R): Dr. Anis Mnif, Tennessee State University; Dr. Sung No, Southern University; Dr. Inger Daniels-Hollar, Florida A & M University; Dr. Robert Kamkwalala, Harris Stowe University; Dr. Lawrence Awopetu, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and Audria Lee, FINRA. 
Back Row (L-R):Lex Toton, FINRA; Dr. Derrick Collins, Chicago State University; Robert W. Cook, President and CEO of FINRA, and Chairman of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation; Dr. Kofi Amoateng, North Carolina Central University and Dr. Zahid Igbal, Texas Southern University. 

FINRA is a private American corporation that acts as a self-regulatory organization that regulates member brokerage firms and exchange markets. The program aims to:

  1. Foster a deeper knowledge of the regulatory landscape in the financial services industry.
  2. Bring awareness of FINRA and the FINRA Foundation and the resources FINRA has available to support learning, research, and curriculum development.
  3. Support adoption of the Securities Industry Essentials Exam.

During the 3-day program, financial industry professionals and technical experts of FINRA presented various focus areas. The professionals interacted with professors in multiple sessions related to current trends in technology, cybersecurity, risk management, and much more. Also, the program provided the opportunity for practitioners, peers, and regulators to exchange ideas on today’s most timely compliance and regulatory topics.

One thought on “UAPB Attends 2023 FINRA-HBCU Professorship Program

  1. 🎓📈 UAPB’s School of Business and Management joined the elite 2023 FINRA-HBCU Professorship Program in Washington, D.C. alongside prestigious HBCUs like Tennessee State, Southern University, and Florida A&M. Represented by Dr. Lawrence Awopetu, UAPB gained insights into financial regulation, cybersecurity, and risk management, thanks to FINRA’s expertise. This program nurtures knowledge in financial services regulation and encourages the adoption of the Securities Industry Essentials Exam. A prime opportunity for networking and idea exchange in the financial industry! 🏦🤝 #UAPB #FinancialEducation #HBCUPride

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