A Stress-Free Christmas Holiday

Many consider the Christmas holiday season to be the most joyous time of year. However, holidays can be very stressful and bring a sense of anxiety, according to Teresa Henson, Extension specialist-program outreach coordinator for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. 

“Many stress about family gatherings, organizing trips and events, shopping and baking treats. The Christmas season brings high, unrealistic expectations for some people, and that causes them to not enjoy the season,” she said. “With so many demands placed on oneself, it is easy to get wrapped up in to-do lists and miss the opportunity to enjoy the holiday with friends and family.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Psychiatric Association offer the following tips to keep the Christmas holiday season stress-free.

  1. Plan ahead. During this time of year, the worst kind of stress is when you feel you don’t have control. To avoid being overwhelmed, plan and be realistic with your time. For example, make lists for your family menus, gifts or holiday chores that need to be done.  
  2. Stay in balance. Getting wrapped up in holiday obligations is very easy. One thing you can do is include fun daily activities involving family and friends. Also, you can reward yourself when you complete a small goal.
  3. Say no. Saying “no” to holiday commitment events or parties is OK. Saying no can help relieve some stress. It is OK to delegate tasks and share your to-do list with family members so they can assist with planning.
  4. Have a cut-off point. Make it a point to designate a cut-off point to complete all tasks. For example, Christmas Eve can be the day to finish all assignments and spend the rest of the day enjoying some me time.
  5. Plan spending. Around the holidays, you tend to spend more. Create a budget and stick to it. 
  6. Maintain healthy habits. During the holidays, people tend to overeat. One thing you can do is eat healthy snacks like fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, do some form of physical activity individually or with the family. 
  7. Be realistic. You are only one person and can only do so much. Be realistic about how much you can handle during the holiday. Don’t worry about perfection; relax and focus on the relationships during the holidays. 
  8. Make time for you. It is essential to schedule some down time for yourself to relax and enjoy the holiday season. For example, take 20 minutes to get away from a stressful situation to regroup. You can walk, listen to relaxing music or do some breathing techniques.

“Remember, the season is meant to be a fun and joyous occasion spent with friends and family,” Henson said. “Keep yourself in check and enjoy a stress-free Christmas holiday.”

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One thought on “A Stress-Free Christmas Holiday

  1. 🎄✨ Great read on a stress-free Christmas! Really resonates with the importance of planning ahead and setting realistic goals. 📅👍 Love the idea of a cut-off point for holiday tasks – a game changer! 🕒🛑 Saying no and maintaining healthy habits are crucial. 🚫🍏 Let’s embrace a relaxed, joyful holiday season. Thanks for the tips! 🎅💖 #StressFreeHolidays #ChristmasJoy

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