UAPB Alumnae meet UAPB School of Business and Management Team at National HBCU Business Summit in Florida

KPMG hosted the 2023 National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable and Student Summit at their KPMG Lakehouse in Orlando, Florida, in June 2023. Dr. Lawrence Awopetu, UAPB School of Business and Management Interim Dean, and two UAPB School of Business and Management students attended and met with UAPB alums.

UAPB Alumnae KPMGers meet UAPB Students and Dean at the 2023 National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable Summit.
UAPB Alumnae KPMGers meet UAPB Students and Dean at the 2023 National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable Summit. Pictured left-right: Adrianne Henderson, Eriyunna Miller, Dr. Lawrence Awopetu, Shaquita Banks, Katlin Pridgeon

The 2023 Summit brought together over 50 HBCU-partnering business school deans, students, and corporate sponsors. The three-day event provided participants with opportunities for education, exposure, and engagement with professionals from industry-leading organizations, HBCU business deans, students, and alums.

Two UAPB’s School of Business and Management students attended the Students’ Summit portion: Eriyunna Miller, a Business Administration Major, and Katlin Pridgeon, an Accounting Major. UAPB Business Administration student Eriyunna Miller said, “The student roundtable summit was nothing short of amazing. I enjoyed the opportunities they presented us to come out of our shells and show our true potential. I was around people that are so much like me yet so different. It’s important because they motivated me to continue to try my best and be the best version of myself. This experience will stay with me for a lifetime.”

UAPB Accounting student, Katlin Pridgeon, commented, “It was such an honor to be selected to attend the HBCU Roundtable Summit. I learned so much information from different corporate companies that will help me to succeed in the future. Also, I met great students from HBCUs and employers from all over the country that I can now network and possibly be employed with. Overall, this experience was a blessing and helped me prepare for my career after college. I will always remember the great advice and knowledge given at the event. I am forever appreciative of this opportunity and hope to be able to attend another special event like this.”

The UAPB dean and faculty attendees also met with KPMG employees who were also UAPB alums. The UAPB group met with Adrianne Henderson, KPMG Technology Assurance Managing Director, who graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics from UAPB, and Shaquita Banks, KPMG HBCU Recruiter/DEI Sr. Associate, who graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration and Management.

Learn more about the UAPB School of Business and Management at

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