Producers: Prepare for Spring 2023 Weather Forecast to Optimize Livestock Operations

Livestock producers should take steps now to take advantage of changing weather patterns, Dr. David Fernandez, Extension livestock specialist and interim dean of graduate studies and continuing education for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, said.

“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released its climate forecast for the coming spring,” he said. “The bad news is NOAA does not expect the current drought in Arkansas to end this winter. The good news is that while we can expect a warmer than average winter this year with roughly average precipitation, spring may be warmer and wetter as we transition from a La Niña pattern to an El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral pattern.”

Current predictive maps show a fair chance of warmer weather across the state for almost all of next year. Wetter weather is anticipated across much of the state from February through May – except in western Arkansas, which should see normal levels of precipitation. The high plains are expected to be warmer and drier until late spring or early summer when rainfall should return to near normal.

Tips on preparing for spring 2023 weather

Dr. Fernandez offers the following tips for livestock producers who want to plan ahead for next year’s forecast:

Sow cool season annuals. Livestock producers who have not already sown cool season annuals for early spring grazing may want to do so by the end of January, especially since pastures should still be dry enough to work before the predicted wetter weather arrives in February or March.

“The milder temperatures and precipitation should give your annuals a good start for late spring grazing,” he said. “That could be important as hay supplies dwindle and little to no hay is available on the market for the remainder of this winter. If you have managed to survive the drought, the coming year may reward you for all your hard work.”

Prepare for mud. Wet weather means mud, and in Arkansas, there is almost no avoiding it in a normal year. Producers should remember that mud serves as a reservoir for diseases like coccidiosis.

“Mud is especially a problem in high traffic areas like feeders, waterers and gates or barn doorways,” Dr. Fernandez said. “With this in mind, consider installing Heavy Use Area Protection wherever mud is a problem. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) offers guidance and financial assistance to farmers and ranchers who want to install Heavy Use Area Protection facilities.”

Make sure water stays clean. Coccidiosis and other diseases are often spread by contaminated water. Worms, both roundworms and flukes, also tend to do well in warmer, wetter conditions. Keep animals out of stagnant water and puddles. Be especially wary of water subject to runoff from manure-covered areas. Most parasite eggs and larvae are shed in manure. Flukes require a water-loving snail as an intermediate host before they can infect livestock.

“When it comes to water, keep in mind that cattle should not have to walk more than 800 feet to water to keep them from walking off pounds of beef,” he said. “NRCS EQIP offers financial assistance to farmers and ranchers who want to distribute watering facilities more evenly across their farms and ranches.”

Prepare for pests. Warmer, wetter weather also means insects. Wet weather tends to favor pasture pests like army worms. True army worms appear in the spring and attack cool season forages like fescue, rye grass and small grains.

“A warmer, wetter spring also favors fall army worms,” he said. “Normally, fall army worms make their first appearance in July, but warmer spring temperatures can advance their first appearance to June. Spring army worms are nocturnal, so producers will either have to scout their pastures after dark or will have to get down into the thatch under the grass to find them. Fall army worms eat all day but tend to spend the hottest part of the day near the soil as well.”

Dr. Fernandez said warm, humid weather favors ticks, mosquitoes and biting flies and may cause the “bug season” to start earlier than usual. Producers should eliminate standing water in tires, pans and buckets to reduce mosquito breeding grounds. They can use fly tags or other treatments to ward off biting insects from livestock and should keep an eye on their animals’ body condition and behavior to monitor both external and internal parasites.

“Preparing for warmer, wetter weather now will position livestock producers to take advantage of the opportunity provided by earlier forage availability while avoiding the problems associated with insects and diseases,” Dr. Fernandez said.

For more information about NOAA’s weather predictions for the coming year, visit

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