UAPB Professors receive $600,000 Army grant for photonics applications study

Dr. Wei Du

Dr. Wei Du

Dr. Mansour Mortazavi

Dr. Mansour Mortazavi

Dr. Mansour Mortazavi, Professor of Physics and Vice Chancellor of Research, Innovation and Economic Development at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), and Dr. Wei Du, former research scientist of Nanoscience at UAPB (currently Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Wilkes University, Pennsylvania) received a $600,000 grant from the United States Army Research Office (ARO) to conduct a deepened systematic study of GeSn material. This includes an investigation of fundamental material characteristics, with the aim to establish a complete database, which could provide sufficient design information for GeSn-based device development. Such research allows the research team implements the recently proposed research vision, “Silicon-based Longwave Integrated Optoelectronics (LIO),” which is beyond the current success of Si-Photonics in near infrared (NIR) wavelength range. This cutting edge new material research will be done in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Arkansas (UAF) and Wilkes University (WU).

By introducing the group-IV element “Tin” (Sn) into germanium (Ge), a new material platform GeSn could be created with tremendous new electrical, optical, and mechanical properties which could dramatically change the landscape of future microelectronics and photonics. A silicon optoelectronics “superchip” with enhanced processing speed, reliability and efficiency through combining photonic and silicon-based devices can be achieved via GeSn technology, which will improve lasers, detectors in a wide range of applications such as lasers for medical use, infrared detections, and in optical communications.

Funded by ARO, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) EPSCoR, material growth and active device characterization has been extensively performed by the research team at UAPB, UAF and WU for the past few years. Newly built measurement systems at UAPB complete the capability of passive device characterization, which makes the institution well equipped to pursue worldwide leading position in Silicon-based LIO. In addition to the significant research and technological accomplishments, this project will attract senior undergraduate students and graduate students to participate in research.

For more information about the project, contact Dr. Mortazavi at (870) 575-7140 or .

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