Follow CDC Guidelines During Halloween Fun

Debbie Archer | School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences

Halloween is a big part of the many fall activities we look forward to. However, 2020 brings many risks for our traditional Halloween, Easter H. Tucker, interim family and consumer sciences program leader for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a variety of guidelines for celebrating Halloween safely during the COVID19 pandemic, Tucker said. The CDC says many of our traditional ways of celebrating Halloween are now considerably “more frightful” than usual because they bring the risk of spreading the coronavirus. There is no surprise that door-to-door trick-or-treating and large costume parties are not recommended.

The CDC guidelines has grouped Halloween activities into three categories: lower risk, moderate risk and higher risk.

Higher risk category 

  • No door-to-door trick-or-treating and no trunk-or-treating where kids get treats from the trunks of cars on big parking lots.
  • No indoor haunted houses with big crowds and people screaming, which could lead to infectious particles flying.
  • No hayrides with people not from your household.
  • Avoid fall festivals in rural areas, they too run the risk of spreading the virus.
  • Avoid using alcohol and drugs. They can impair judgement and increase risky behaviors.

Moderate risk category

  • Receiving individually wrapped gift bags at the end of a driveway or yard while practicing social distancing is acceptable.
  • Haunted forests are moderately risky as long as the route is one-way, people wear masks appropriately and stay 6 feet apart. However, if screaming is likely, greater distance is advised.
  • Apple picking and pumpkin patches are of moderate risk. The risk can be reduced if hand sanitizer is used before touching the apples or pumpkins, masks are worn and social distance is practiced.
  • Having an outdoor scary movie night with local friends is moderately risky. Be sure to practice social distancing. If you anticipate lots of screaming, provide extra space for social distancing.
  • For less risk, conduct virtual activities with bigger groups of people or smaller in-person activities with only your immediate household members.

Lower risk activities

  • Conduct pumpkin carving with your family members or outdoors with friends practicing social distancing.
  • Have a Halloween scavenger hunt outside looking for witches, spider webs or other spooky items. Or conduct a scavenger hunt inside looking for treats with your family members. 
  • Decorate your living space.

What about masks? Keep in mind that a Halloween mask is not a substitute for a cloth mask, Tucker said. The CDC says not to double up one mask over the other, because that can make it hard to breathe. 

“The CDC recommends Halloween-themed cloth masks,” she said. “A costume mask made of two or more layers of breathable fabric covering the nose and mouth, without gaps around the face can protect against spreading the coronavirus.”

“Halloween can still be a fun activity if CDC guidelines are followed,” Tucker said. “Please do not attend in-person Halloween activities or give out candy to trick-or-treaters if you think you have COVID19 or have been exposed to someone who does,” she said.

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